Newsletter November 2018
2 months into the project now, the team has grown stronger in both knowledge and numbers. The team now counts 18 people with both an extra mechanical and an extra electrical engineer.
Newsletter October 2018
Almost a month ago, on the 3rd of September, 16 […]
Twentse studenten maken snellere en lichtere elektrisch racemotor
In deze serie gaat langs de technische universiteiten van Nederland. Grote projecten als de zonne-auto’s kennen we, maar welke innovaties zitten er nog meer aan te komen?
Watch video here
Studenten bouwen supersnelle motor op batterijen: van 0 tot 100 in 3 seconden
Een team van Twentse studenten werkt aan een supersnelle elektrische motor. De machine moet een topsnelheid van 250 kilometer per uur kunnen bereiken. ,,Wij willen mensen verbazen met een waanzinnig snelle motor op batterijen.”
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World of Technology & Science with HELUKABEL
From the 27th to the 30th of September we will be present at the World of Science & Technology (WoTS) fair which will be held at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. We will be present at the booth of HELUKABEL and hope to see you all there! Click here to read the article HELUKABEL wrote about us and our partnership!
HELUKABEL offers free tickets to the WoTS, so come by and say hello!
Newsletter July 2022
We won the race against the JHC Ukkonen team! Something we are very proud of and another big step towards our long-term goals.